McArdle Sets Up Nonprofit
Matthew McArdle and his wife, Shannon, have established the Franklin County Down Syndrome Society, Inc. (FCDSS)—a not-for-profit corporation organized to benefit and assist individuals with Down syndrome and their families.
Down syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs when an individual has three copies of the 21st chromosome, rather than two. This additional genetic material alters the course of development and causes the characteristics associated with Down syndrome.
Since 2009, the Franklin County Down Syndrome Society has held a walk for Down Syndrome at the Arsenal Green in Malone, New York. Over 200 people walk in this event, and over 300 attend.
In October 2010, Missy McGarger and Eric Viscardo were honorary captains at the annual Saranac Lake/Tupper Lake high school football game, held in Saranac Lake, New York. Missy and Eric, who have Down Syndrome, are both members of the Franklin County Down Syndrome Society.
The mission of the FCDSS is to raise awareness of Down syndrome, provide emotional and financial assistance to individuals with Down syndrome and their families, increase the quality of life of individuals with Down syndrome and promote a positive image of individuals with Down syndrome.
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